Sqlplusw tab separated fields

oracle - SQL Plus convert table to CSV.
Using SQL*Plus - Oracle Documentation
SQL*Plus Getting Started Release 9.0.1 for Windows Part Number A88829-01 oracle - SQL Plus convert table to CSV.
I'm having a problem that I can't figure out while converting a table field in an Oracle database to a CSV file. I have a column of varchar2(4000) where users enter
cut command
I need to export a table in the database to a tab separated values file. I am using DBI on Perl and SQL*Plus. Does it support (DBI or SQL*Plus) exporting and
The external cut command displays selected columns or fields from each line of a file. It is a UNIX equivalent to the relational algebra selection operation.
SQL*Plus Commands perl - How can I export an Oracle table.

Sqlplusw tab separated fields
Ask Tom "Separating comma separated words.Sqlplusw tab separated fields
SQL*Plus Parameter .